How Endometriosis Affect Women

Endometriosis is a condition whereby a tissue that is similar to the uterus lining that is only supposed to be located in the uterus is found in other places of the body. The Endometriosis lesions can be found in various locations of the body such as on the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterosacral ligaments, cul-de-sac, the Pouch of Douglas, and the rectal–vaginal septum.


Other parts where it can be found includes the caesarean–section scars, laparotomy/laparoscopy scars, the bladder, bowel, rectum, colon, appendix, or on the intestines.


The most general symptom of the condition is chronic pelvic pain, which mostly correlates to the menstrual cycle.


Sometimes the affected person may also experience pelvic pain that is not related to her periods. The pain sometimes can be so severe that it impacts on the daily activities of the woman. Additional symptoms may include painful sex and pain when passing urine.


Although many theories have been put forward to explain the causes of the Endometriosis, none of them has been proven. Therefore, the causes of the condition remain unknown.


Endometriosis can only be diagnosed by laparoscopy and taking of the biopsy of the tissues suspected of the condition. No other test can be used in the diagnosis of endometriosis.


Laparoscopy is an invasive procedure that is mostly expensive to perform, and it also requires to be performed by an experienced surgeon.


To slow the disease from progressing and also improve symptom manifestation, a person can make use of the following tips:

  • Low – dose oral contraceptives
  • Painkillers
  • IUD that is hormonal
  • GnRH Therapy


It is vital for people to remember that developing endometriosis does not mean that the person is infertile. It only means that the individual will have few problems getting pregnant.


Many females have reported having children without any difficulty while others with delayed pregnancy eventually get pregnant. To get pregnant, sometimes it may require the doctor to perform surgery or assisted reproductive technologies.

Learn More About the Benefits of Breast Lift

In most times aging, weight loss, and pregnancy often takes a toll on a woman’s physical appearance. The changes of woman’s physique are mostly noticeable on the breasts. However, it should be noted that the drooping and sagging of breasts can be reversed, and a female’s beautiful body contour can be restored with a breast lift. Mastopexy is at present the most common breast operation, and it is done to reposition the nipple nicely on the chest wall. Some women do prefer getting their breast implants fitted while having their lifts.

It is imperative to consult with your surgeon on the options that are available, and he should be able to provide you with a detailed explanation of the procedure to be followed. Although it is clear that some ladies do display the signs of breast sagging more than others, it should be understood that all the women will experience the occurrence at a certain point in their lives. Therefore, a breast lift is mainly done to tighten the skin around the breasts areas thus raising the breasts to a firmer position.

A breast lift involves removing the skin that is in excess and tightening the tissues that are around the breast. This is done to provide the breasts with a new shape and maintain its original contour. The ladies who have undergone a breast lift have experienced a rejuvenated feeling that they only felt during their young years.

The sagginess of the breasts is mainly attributed to weight fluctuations, pregnancy, breastfeeding, or hereditary factors. You should understand that the breast lift does not in any way affect the size of your breast. In case you want your breast to look fuller, you should consider combining a breast lift with breast augmentation surgery. Those who wish to have the sizes of their breasts reduced should consider combining a breast lift with breast reduction surgery.

If you want to bring back the beautiful form of your breasts, you should take the first step of securing an appointment with a plastic surgeon. Complications from the procedure are rare, but some possible side effects may include scarring, bleeding, and a possible infection. All the side effects can be avoided by following strictly all the instructions that are provided by the plastic surgeon.