Find Out the Uses of Fruit Peels

Fruit and vegetable skins make up the highest percentage of wastes that are found on the kitchen garbage bins. As of now, not many people are knowledgeable on how to reuse and recycle the peels. Below are few tips on how to use vegetable and fruit peels:

1. Source of phytochemicals

Some edible skins like apple skin are useful in fighting cancer and other diseases. Most of the beneficial compounds in a fruit or vegetables are present on the skin.

2. Cleaning purposes

A variety of peels are used for skin cleansing and scrubbing. Papaya, lemon, apple, banana, and pomegranate peels can be used for body scrubs and facial masks. These provide a glowing effect on the skin of an individual. Avocado skin when it is rubbed on the face of a person can act as a rich moisturizer.

3. Odor-free house

Peels are used to get rid of bad odor in the house without using the chemicals. Skins from Citrus fruits are efficient in getting rid of the smell. This is because they contain antimicrobial properties that inhibit the growth of the microorganisms that are responsible for bad smell.

4. Prevention of sugar lumping

When an orange peel is placed in a container with white or brown sugar, it can prevent the sugar from lumping.

5. Insect repellents

Orange peels are used as insect repellent when they are rubbed on the skin. Cucumbers also contain alkaloids that are useful in driving away insects.

6. Sparkle in silverware

Using potato and Calamansi peels while washing assists in bringing the sparkle or silverware and cutlery.

7. Water filtration

Apples and tomatoes are important in the filtering of water. Because the peels are highly absorbent, they can suck up the toxins that are present in tap water.

8. Dye preparation

The skin of the pomegranate fruit is highly effective in making dyes that are used for coloring fabric.