Find Out More About the Roles of a Cosmetic Dentist

Cosmetic dentists provide assistance to people who have experienced tooth loss either through injury, decay or gingivitis. Nowadays, the most common method of replacing a missing tooth is through the use of dental implants.


Dental implants are preferred because they are effective in promoting renewed appearance of a person, developed speech, ease in eating, improved comfort and high self-esteem.


Implants are supposed to be a permanent method of treatment because they are fused with the bone. Implants promote ease in speech because they allow a person who has received them to speak in a smooth manner without slurring or faltering.


The implants usually get rid of the problems that come when a person has been given the removable dentures. After an implant procedure, the rest of the teeth are left undamaged. This leads to the overall oral health of a person being enhanced. Implants last many years, probably a person’s lifetime when they are properly taken care of.


If a dental implant procedure is to succeed, it depends on various factors. One of them is the condition of the jaw in which it will be implanted. People who are in good health are the ones who make good candidates for the dental procedure. Cosmetic Dentists recommend the procedure to individuals who have healthy gums and strong bone that is capable of holding the implant tightly.


Most insurance firms do not cover an implant procedure. However, some of them provide coverage depending on the insurance plan or the real cause of the tooth loss. Therefore, before you consider the process, it is important that you consult with your cosmetic dentist.


Before a person has received an implant, it is important for the cosmetic dentist to develop a treatment plan that is personalized.


The program is designed by highly trained individuals who are experienced in oral health. This procedure is followed by the placement of the root implant.


The root is made up of a tiny titanium post, and it is positioned in the same socket where the missing tooth used to be located. As the jawbone heals, the root becomes stronger in the socket.


This procedure can take several weeks. An abutment is then attached in a secure manner. The final method in an implant process is fitting the prepared replacement tooth to the abutment.

Understanding Periodontal Scaling and Root Planing


The primary reason for teeth scaling and root planing is to get rid of etiologic agents that are known to cause inflammation of the gums (gingival) tissue and the surrounding bone. Some of the common agents that are removed by the periodontal therapy comprise of the calculus (tartar) and dental plaque.


Periodontal scaling and root planing do not involve surgery, and they are known to clean the periodontium entirely. The procedures work remarkably well for persons who may be suffering from gingivitis (mild gum inflammation) and severe periodontal disease.


Reasons for scaling and root planing

Root planing and scaling are every so often used as a preventive measure or a stand alone treatment. The procedures can be performed to a periodontitis sufferer as a protective measure. Additional reasons for the procedures include:

  1. Tooth protection

When the gum pockets do exceed 3 mm in their depth, they can be a basis for a periodontal disease. Deepening of the pockets further usually results in the accumulation of more colonies of the harmful bacteria. This buildup triggers body’s inflammatory response that results in the destruction of the gingival and the bone tissue, something that usually results in tooth loss. It is important to remember that periodontal disease is the leading cause of tooth loss in many developed countries.

2. Disease prevention

It has been established that the bacteria that cause periodontal infections is capable of travelling through the bloodstream to other parts of the body. Many researchers have found out that the periodontal bacteria do cause lung infections and heart diseases. Scaling and root planing gets rid of the unhealthy bacteria and prevents it from moving to other parts of the body.

3. Visual effects

Root planing and scaling helps remove the plaque and tartar that has formed in the teeth and below the gum line. If stains are present on the teeth, they will be removed during the procedure.

4. Fresh breath

The leading cause of bad breath (halitosis) is a periodontal infection. During scaling and root planning, the food particles and bacteria that are responsible for bad smell in the oral cavity are removed resulting in a better breath.


Before the procedures, the dentist is supposed to conduct a thorough examination of the mouth. Sometimes, he may take X-rays and perform visual examinations before recommending scaling and root planing treatments. A local anesthetic may be recommended to numb the areas that before the procedure. During scaling, a special dental equipment is used like the ultrasonic scaling tools. The scaling tool is very efficient in the removal of calculus and plaque that has formed on the root and crown surfaces of the teeth. Root planing is done to get rid of unwanted microorganisms, tartar, and toxins. A clean and smooth root prevents bacteria from colonizing the teeth again in future.

In case you have any questions concerning these procedures, you can contact your dentist for more information.