The Role of Chiropractors in Your Overall Health Management

Chiropractors are individuals who are trained to perform spinal manipulation and various alternative treatments using their hands. These are professionals who treat through hand manipulation the disorders of the nervous system and musculoskeletal system without medication or surgery.


The focus of the manipulation is to bring back the mobility to joints which are being hindered by tissue injury. Some of the injuries are due to traumatic events that result in lower back pain or neck pain. Some of other conditions that are treatable using this kind of manipulation include headaches, osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia.


Therefore, chiropractors are trained to bring pain relief on bones, muscles, joints, and the connective tissues of the body. The connective tissue comprises of tendons, ligaments and cartilages. Chiropractic professionals usually combine the therapy with other conventional medical treatments for better results.


When you pay a chiropractor a visit, he or she will be interested first in knowing your health history. This is followed by a comprehensive physical examination that may include laboratory tests to determine the best treatment for you.


The therapy plan may involve one or a combination of several manual manipulations. The manual manipulation includes a high-velocity arm thrusts that are applied on a painful vertebra. It is performed with the aim of improving its functions and getting rid of the irritability of the nerves. This procedure facilitates motion in the back.


Chiropractors may also perform chiropractic mobilization on a patient, which is a low-velocity movement and stretching of the joints and muscles. This is also done to improve motion in the affected area. The treatment plan is determined by the level of pain being felt by the patient, activity tolerance and disability issues.


The chiropractic care is a safe and an effective method of treating low back pain that is acute. This is the kind of pain that in most cases last for six weeks or more, and in most cases, it may get better on its own.