5 Strange Facts About Kidney Cancer

Kidneys are two bean-shaped organs that are reddish-brown in color. Kidneys are located above the waist on either side of the body. Their role is to filter blood and get rid of urea and other poisonous wastes from the body. A dilute solution called urine is formed in the process.


Every five minutes, the whole blood passes through the kidneys, something that ensures that the toxic wastes do not build up. Kidneys also play a crucial role in the production of hormones that stimulate the formation of red blood cells, control of blood pressure, and the maintenance of an optimum calcium level in the blood.


Each kidney works autonomously; therefore, one can be removed without affecting the functions of the other. There are five strange facts about kidney cancer that everybody should know:

  1. Risk factors

Kidney cancer occurs when healthy cells in one or both kidneys multiply uncontrollably. Cells are miniature building blocks that make up the tissues and organs in our bodies. Cells usually increase in a controlled manner.


Sometimes, a cell may become defective and keep on dividing continuously, therefore, forming more unhealthy cells. These abnormal cells eventually lump together to form a tumor.


Although there are different types of kidney cancers, renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is the most prevalent. As affirmed by the American Cancer Society, nine out of every 10 kidney cancer patients suffer from renal cell carcinoma. Transitional cell (urothelial) carcinoma and Wilms’ tumor are categorized as other forms of kidney cancer.


The reason why cells become cancerous is still not yet clear. In most cases, a lot of people develop kidney cancer for no apparent reason. However, risk factors that contribute to the condition include advanced age, smoking, obesity, genetic factors and exposure to chemical carcinogens.


  1. Symptoms of kidney cancer

Most of the symptoms of kidney tumor are not noticeable in its early stages. Hematuria has been identified to be the first sign of the illness. Hematuria  is defined as the presence of blood in an individual’s urine. People who have hematuria pass urine which is brown, pink or red in color.


Kidney Research UK reports that, every so often, the blood in urine may not be noticeable to the naked eye. Routine tests are usually performed in the laboratory to detect tiny traces of blood. Other symptoms include the presence of a lump in the abdomen, loss of appetite, rapid weight loss, fever, fatigue, pain on the side of the body, and swelling of the legs.


However, the presence of blood in urine does not always mean that a person is suffering from kidney cancer. It can be an indication of other conditions that affect kidneys like prostrate problems, kidney stones, nephritis or urinary tract infections. It is necessary for a person to visit a physician without delay after noticing blood in urine.


  1. Diagnosis

The National Health Service recommends the use of a combination of several tests to confirm the presence of kidney cancer. These tests include urine tests, blood tests, intravenous pyelogram, ultrasound scan, computerized tomography (CT) scan, image-guided biopsy, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan, cystoscopy and intravenous pyelogram (IVP).


  1. Treatment methods

The treatment method for kidney cancer depends on the stage of cancer, a patient’s overall health, and the spread of the illness to other organs. The American Cancer Society proposes the use of either one or a combination of several treatment methods. These treatment methods comprise of surgery, immunotherapy, chemotherapy, ablation, radiation therapy, arterial embolization and cryotherapy.


Depending on a patient’s treatment option and the stage of cancer, various specialists may be involved in the treatment plan. These professionals may include radiation oncologists, urologists and medical oncologists.


  1. Coping with cancer

Being diagnosed with cancer can be very distressing to patients and their families. Sometimes, it is not easy for a patient to absorb and comprehend the news. Talking to a psychiatrist helps in dealing with feelings of anxiety and depression.


However, there is hope for the patients. A report released recently titled “Cancer Treatment & Survivorship Facts & Figures 2016-2017,” estimates that there are currently more than 15.5 million cancer survivors in the United States of America, and the number is projected to rise. The report points out that, the number of cancer survivors will continue to increase globally due to enhanced treatment methods and early detection of the disease.





Discover Coconut Oil as an Effective Killer of Cancerous Cells

According to a health investigation performed recently, coconut oil was found to contain numerous anticancer properties. The research also discovered that coconut oil is capable of killing various types of fungi, parasites, viruses and bacteria.


The study found out that coconut oil was useful in getting rid of inflammation, maintaining healthier skin, promoting liver metabolism, and facilitating faster healing of wounds.


Coconut oil is also said to be helpful in increasing the levels of vital cholesterol, and it also plays an important role to individuals who are keen on weight loss. Persons who have been having recurring heart diseases, blood pressure, or Alzheimer’s disease have found much relieve from using the oil.


Colonoscopy tests


Many investigations that have been done in recent times have proved that coconut oil plays a central role in the curative process of colon cancer. Colon cancer results when there is an uncontrolled multiplication of cells of the rectum.


Colon cancer is very widespread in many countries, and it has also been known to be one of the most complicated ailments to treat. This is because many people are not conscious of its symptoms while the rest do not adhere to regular colonoscopy tests done to diagnose the cancerous or the pre-cancerous lesions.


The consequence is that many people realize that they are suffering from colon cancer when it is at its advanced stage, therefore, leaving the doctors with very few options during the treatment process.


Symptoms of colon cancer


Symptoms of colon cancer may include weight loss, blood in stool and change in bowel movement. Coconut oil comprises of more than 50 percent of lauric acid, which is known to poison the cancer cells by producing oxidative stress.


This leads to a limited production of glutathione, which eventually leads to the death of the cancerous cells. The cells die because they require high levels of glutathione to protect themselves from the oxidative stress.


Lauric acid is not present in most foods that we consume, and the acid is efficient in killing more than 93 percent of the cancerous cells in less than two days.


Immune system booster


Coconut oil aids in the fight against cancer by boosting the body’s defense mechanism.


If the body’s immune system is well developed, it will assist in combating diseases and mutations that often result in cancer.