Discovering Psoriatic Arthritis 


Psoriatic arthritis is a form of inflammation that mostly affects the joints. Due to the persistent swelling, the joints end up being damaged. The inflammation is as a result of body’s immune system attacking the organs, which in this case are the joints.


Psoriatic arthritis can affect one or several joints in a person’s body. It can affect various areas of the fingers, spinal cord, or the toes.


The main causes of the arthritis are not yet known, but most researchers attribute it to genetics. This is because most of the victims have close family members who are suffering from either arthritis or psoriasis.


Diagnosis of this type of arthritis usually involves a specialist examining the joints that are either swollen or painful. Skin changes can be used by a dermatologist to get more information about the extent of joint damage. Proper diagnosis usually involves the use of x-rays, although blood test is usually done to rule out various forms of arthritis that may have similar symptoms.


Treatment of Psoriatic arthritis normally depends on the intensity of pain. Anti-rheumatoid drugs are commonly prescribed to the patients suffering from this kind of psoriasis, but those who have swollen joints are injected with a corticosteroid. If the joints are severely damaged, surgery is performed to repair or replace the joints.