Alcohol is a diuretic. This means that it promotes the loss of water through urine. It is achieved by preventing the body from releasing a hormone commonly known as vasopressin.

Vasopressin plays a vital role in the regulation of water excretion.

It is vasopressin that directs your kidneys to reabsorb water if it is needed by your body instead of passing it out through the bladder as urine.

With this important signal switched off, urine fills your bladder which is then excreted when you go to the toilet.

Generally, alcohol makes us pee more frequently. This often leads to dehydration if the fluids leaving our bodies through urine are not replaced. It is important, therefore, to replace the lost fluids by drinking plenty of water.

The signs of dehydration include feeling lightheaded, dizzy, tiredness, feeling thirsty, passing strong-smelling pee, and experiencing dry mouth.

If you want to avoid the diuretic effects of alcohol, the best remedy is to avoid drinking it altogether.