10 Startling Health Benefits of Watermelon

Watermelon is a fruit of the Cucurbitaceous family, and it has many amazing health benefits. Watermelon is closely related to cucumber, pumpkin, squash, cantaloupe, and gourds that grow on vines on the ground. Watermelons can be spherical, round or oblong and feature thick green rinds that are most of the times striped or spotted.


Watermelons can weigh from a few pounds to 90 Pounds. There are more than 1200 varieties of watermelon that belong to the same genus and species called Citrullus lanatus. Watermelons are favorite foods during summer or picnics because of their refreshing quality and sweet taste. All parts can be eaten, including the rind.


According to the National Watermelon Promotional Board, watermelon contains nutrients such as thiamin, riboflavin, vitamin B-6, niacin, folate, magnesium, pantothenic acid, potassium, phosphorus, manganese, selenium, lycopene, choline and betaine. According to the board, the watermelon contains more lycopene than any other vegetable or fruit.


Consumption of watermelon has many amazing health benefits:

1. Asthma prevention

Watermelons are rich in vitamin C which decreases the risk of developing asthma.


2. Lowers blood pressure

The American Journal of High Blood Pressure claims that watermelon extract reduces the ankle blood pressure, carotid wave reflexion and brachial blood pressure in middle-aged individuals with prehypertension or stage 1 high blood pressure.


3. Cancer prevention

Watermelon is an exceptional source of vitamin C and other vital antioxidants. The antioxidants do help in fighting the formation of free radicals that lead to cancer. According to the National Cancer Institute, lycopene has been linked to the reduction in the proliferation of prostate cancer cells.


4. Hydration

Watermelon contains 92 percent water, and it is rich in essential electrolytes. This makes watermelon a great snack to eat during summer. Watermelon helps people remain hydrated while at the same time reducing heatstroke.


5. Inflammation

Watermelon contains choline that promotes sleep, memory, learning and muscle movement. Choline also assists in the transmission of nerve impulses and maintenance of the proper structure of cell membranes. According to Shock Journal, the lycopene in watermelon makes it an excellent anti-inflammatory fruit. The lycopene inhibits various inflammatory processes and functions as an antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals. The choline helps in keeping the chronic inflammation down.


6. Heart health

The high levels of lycopene in watermelon are effective in protecting body’s cells from damage, therefore, helping lower the risks of heart diseases. The Purdue University observes that Citrulline and Arginine concentration helps in improving blood flow and inhibiting the accumulation of excess fat. The University claims that watermelon extracts contribute to reducing high blood pressure and lowering blood pressure in obese adults.


7. Digestion

Watermelon is known to contain high amounts of fiber, which promotes a healthy digestive tract and keeps a person regular. A person with proper regularity experiences efficient bowel movement that is neither too soft nor hard several times a day. Irregularity (constipation or diarrhea) can be caused by a person’s failure to drink enough water, lack of enough fiber and many other issues.



8. Muscle soreness

Watermelon has been shown to aid in the reduction of muscle pain. The fruit improves recovery time in athletes who perform strenuous exercises. It has been established that the athletes who drink watermelon juice regularly experience less muscle soreness and efficient heart rate. This is greatly attributed to watermelon’s amino acid citrulline and Arginine.


9. Skin and hair benefits

Watermelon is great for the skin because it is rich in vitamin A. The vitamin is required for the production of sebum, and it also keeps the hair moisturized. Vitamin A encourages the growth of healthy collagen and elastin cells. Vitamin A is also essential for the growth of the entire body tissues.


10. Improves sexual health

The Telegraph observes that watermelon provides a rich supply of citrulline. Citrulline is an amino acid that is easily converted by our kidneys to Arginine. Arginine promotes the production of small amounts of nitric oxide that relaxes the body’s blood vessels. The relaxation of these blood vessels makes the spaces inside them to expand, therefore, allowing more blood to flow freely and causing a drop in blood pressure. The nitric oxide improves the sexual health of men by helping relax the blood vessels and supplying the penis with enough blood. This is the main reason why watermelon is commonly referred to as Nature’s Viagra.


When eaten in reasonable amounts, watermelon is known to produce no serious side effects. Overeating of the fruit, however, can cause problems that are associated with the presence of excess lycopene and potassium in the body. The consumption of extra lycopene on a daily basis can result in nausea, indigestion, diarrhea and bloating. Hyperkalemia, which is the presence of too much potassium in the blood, causes irregular heartbeats, reduced muscle control and other cardiovascular problems.