How to Boost Your Immune System

A boost to your immune system assists in protecting your body from viruses, germs and other threats. What you do on a daily basis can boost or hamper your immune system. The act of boosting a person’s immunity can be very enticing, but sometimes it can be elusive for numerous reasons. Firstly, for the immune system to function well, it requires harmony and balance. Body’s immune system is responsible for defending a person against disease causing microorganisms. When the immune system is not taken good care of, a germ can invade the cells and make a person ill.


Below are tips that can help you boost your immune system:

  1. Healthy living

The first thing a person should do to boost your immune system is to adopt a healthy living lifestyle. Every part of a person’s body is known to function optimally when it is protected from environmental assaults. Some of the healthy living strategies a person can adopt include maintaining a healthy weight, controlling the blood pressure, drinking  in moderation, getting adequate sleep, washing hands frequently , cooking meats thoroughly and regular medical screening.


  1. Avoid smoking

Smoking weakens the immune system. The chemicals that are found in a cigarette can damage the cells throughout the body. The immune system works extra hard to fight this damage. Eventually, the immune system weakens because it cannot keep up with all the harm caused by the smoke. Weak immune system exposes a person to all manner of infections.


  1. Balanced diet

Poor nutrition is known to have a negative effect on the immune system. Eating a well balanced diet is important. Eating more fruits and vegetables is recommended because they are rich in vitamins and other vital nutrients that are good for the body.


  1. Exercises

Exercising regularly can boost your immune system. According to MedlinePlus, an exercise causes critical changes in antibodies and white blood cells. The white blood cells and antibodies circulate more rapidly making them detect disease causing microorganisms earlier than before. Therefore, exercises make you feel healthier and more energetic.


  1. Adequate sleep

Lack of enough sleep is the leading cause of many mental and physical health problems. These problems include those that originate from an impaired immune system. Our immune system is supposed to provide protection against colds, flu and other ailments. When it is not functioning as expected, it may lead to numerous complications. According to Webmed, lack of enough sleep suppresses the immune system, therefore, decreasing the body’s ability to fight viral, bacterial and fungal infections.












6 Stunning Health Benefits of Garlic


Garlic provides numerous health benefits, and it is widely used during cooking to add flavor to the food. In both ancient and modern history, it has been used for medicinal purposes to treat many conditions and diseases. In ancient times, people used garlic to treat wounds, intestinal disorders, worms, flatulence, skin diseases, respiratory infections, signs of aging and many other conditions.


Garlic contains a compound that is known as Allicin. This compound provides a lot of health benefits, and it is also the compound that is responsible for garlic’s distinct smell. Garlic is showing much promise in the treatment and prevention of many diseases:

  1. Heart disease

According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, garlic is crucial in helping prevent heart diseases and atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is the hardening of arteries. Studies show that garlic is an effective blood thinner; therefore, it can be used to prevent heart attacks and strokes.


  1. Cancer

Garlic is a potent immune system booster. A vibrant immune system helps the body in the fight against diseases such as cancer. Population studies show that individuals who eat either raw or cooked garlic are less likely to develop colon, stomach or cancer of the esophagus.


  1. Immune system booster

Garlic has antiviral, anti fungal and antibacterial properties. Skin conditions that are caused by viruses, bacteria, yeasts or fungi can be treated by rubbing a raw chopped garlic on the affected area.


  1. Highly nutritious

Garlic is highly nutritious, and it is known to contain few calories. Garlic is rich in nutritional compounds that have massive health benefits such as manganese, selenium, vitamin B-6, vitamin C, fiber, calcium, iron, copper, potassium, phosphorus and vitamin B-1.


  1. Rich in antioxidants

Garlic is rich in antioxidants. As a person ages, free radicals usually build up in the body and contribute to the occurrence of heart diseases, Alzheimer’s disease and cancer. Antioxidants found in garlic get rid of these free radicals.


  1. Detoxification

Detoxification refers to the removal of toxic ‘stuff’ in the body. Garlic enhances detoxification by supporting many liver enzymes and also encouraging the production of glutathione. Glutathione protects the body cells and makes our energy metabolism run efficiently. According to Oregon State University, organosulphur compounds in garlic protect against organ damage that occurs due to heavy metal toxicity.