8 Amazing Health Benefits of Ginger

Ginger is used for culinary purposes, and it is also known to possess many health benefits. Research shows ginger to be more effective in the treatment of bacterial infections than most antibiotics. The rhizome has many compounds like volatile oils and phenol compounds such as zingerone, shogaol and gingerols. Gingerols are the active components in ginger, and they are the ones that give the plant its distinctive aroma.


Ginger is beneficial in numerous ways:

  1. Cancer: National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) reports that the active compounds in ginger are effective in limiting the spread of gastric, colorectal, liver, ovarian, prostate, breast and skin cancers. Research has established that gingerols kill cancer cells by inducing autophagocytosis (self-digestion) or apoptosis (programmed cell death).


  1. Vomiting and nausea: Research conducted by the University of Maryland Medical Center shows that ginger is helpful in reducing vomiting and nausea in pregnant women. Women who are expectant are advised to consult with their doctors first because the intake of high quantities of the plant’s extract can lead to miscarriage. Ginger is helpful in alleviating nausea that results from vertigo, motion sickness, chemotherapy and surgery. Women who experience painful periods have found relieve in ginger as it significantly lessens pain related to menstruation.


  1. Treatment of ulcers: Studies illustrate that ginger prevents intestinal ulcers. Research has proved that ginger inhibits the growth and multiplication of Helicobacter pylori, a bacterium that is associated with ulcers.


  1. Antifungal and antibiotic properties: Fungal infections are sometimes difficult to treat. Ginger has antifungal capabilities, and it can treat even the drug-resistant fungi. Ginger is known to have many antibiotic properties. Studies have demonstrated that the plant is useful in the treatment of infections caused by bacteria.


  1. Diabetes complications: Ginger significantly reduces the chances of experiencing diabetes complications. NCBI reports that the use of ginger among diabetic patients can lower blood glucose and serum total cholesterol. Ginger contains aldose reductase inhibitors that are known to prevent nerve and eye damage in diabetic people.


  1. Anti-Inflammatory properties: Harvard Medical School reports that ginger is a powerful anti-inflammatory substance. Most individuals with chronic conditions experience severe inflammation. Ginger is efficient in managing pain that is as a result of chronic infections. Ginger’s anti-inflammatory ability is helpful to persons suffering from neurodegenerative diseases, arthritis, prostate diseases and general inflammatory ailments.


  1. Gastrointestinal relief: For a long time, ginger has been used for alleviating the symptoms of gastrointestinal discomfort. It is powerful in getting rid of intestinal gas, soothing and relaxing the digestive system.


  1. Immunity booster: The International Journal of Chemical Studies clarifies that ginger is effective in promoting the body’s resistance to infectious diseases. The resistance to diseases is enhanced by boosting the specific and non-specific immune mechanism. Ginger is excellent in controlling a broad range of viral, bacterial, parasitic and fungal diseases in humans.


The side effects of taking ginger in low dosages are few, and they include mouth irritations, stomach upsets and heartburn. Persons with bleeding disorders are not advised to consume ginger as it may heighten the risk of excessive bleeding. If you are pregnant, diabetic or have heart problems, it is important to consult with your doctor before using ginger for medicinal purposes.


According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, ginger should never be given to children who are below two years. Ginger can cause side effects after interacting with supplements, medications and herbs. Therefore, if you are currently taking prescription drugs, it is important to consult with your doctor first.