Understanding Periodontal Scaling and Root Planing


The primary reason for teeth scaling and root planing is to get rid of etiologic agents that are known to cause inflammation of the gums (gingival) tissue and the surrounding bone. Some of the common agents that are removed by the periodontal therapy comprise of the calculus (tartar) and dental plaque.


Periodontal scaling and root planing do not involve surgery, and they are known to clean the periodontium entirely. The procedures work remarkably well for persons who may be suffering from gingivitis (mild gum inflammation) and severe periodontal disease.


Reasons for scaling and root planing

Root planing and scaling are every so often used as a preventive measure or a stand alone treatment. The procedures can be performed to a periodontitis sufferer as a protective measure. Additional reasons for the procedures include:

  1. Tooth protection

When the gum pockets do exceed 3 mm in their depth, they can be a basis for a periodontal disease. Deepening of the pockets further usually results in the accumulation of more colonies of the harmful bacteria. This buildup triggers body’s inflammatory response that results in the destruction of the gingival and the bone tissue, something that usually results in tooth loss. It is important to remember that periodontal disease is the leading cause of tooth loss in many developed countries.

2. Disease prevention

It has been established that the bacteria that cause periodontal infections is capable of travelling through the bloodstream to other parts of the body. Many researchers have found out that the periodontal bacteria do cause lung infections and heart diseases. Scaling and root planing gets rid of the unhealthy bacteria and prevents it from moving to other parts of the body.

3. Visual effects

Root planing and scaling helps remove the plaque and tartar that has formed in the teeth and below the gum line. If stains are present on the teeth, they will be removed during the procedure.

4. Fresh breath

The leading cause of bad breath (halitosis) is a periodontal infection. During scaling and root planning, the food particles and bacteria that are responsible for bad smell in the oral cavity are removed resulting in a better breath.


Before the procedures, the dentist is supposed to conduct a thorough examination of the mouth. Sometimes, he may take X-rays and perform visual examinations before recommending scaling and root planing treatments. A local anesthetic may be recommended to numb the areas that before the procedure. During scaling, a special dental equipment is used like the ultrasonic scaling tools. The scaling tool is very efficient in the removal of calculus and plaque that has formed on the root and crown surfaces of the teeth. Root planing is done to get rid of unwanted microorganisms, tartar, and toxins. A clean and smooth root prevents bacteria from colonizing the teeth again in future.

In case you have any questions concerning these procedures, you can contact your dentist for more information.





Discover the Deep Tissue Laser Therapy for Back Pain

Laser therapy is a safe, non-invasive, and effective treatment method that uses light to get rid of pain, reduce inflammation, promote wound healing, and repair soft tissues in the body. This method of treatment puts an end to pain fast.

The laser therapy is a technology with numerous applications and treatment results. The procedure transfers light energy that is in the form of electrons directly from the light source to the innermost parts of the cell such as the mitochondrion. The cells make use of that energy to facilitate their operations and healing. When a cell is injured or damaged, it is not able to produce the energy that is vital for cell repair, something that results in pain in the affected area.

During the treatment process, the laser is placed in contact with the skin of the painful area. This enables the healing energy to penetrate the tissues and interact with numerous intracellular bio-molecules. This interaction is the one that restores the normal cell functions and enhances natural healing of the body. The laser therapy mainly involves the conversion of the light energy to biochemical energy.

After the treatment, the normal functions of the cells are restored. The restoration of cell functions leads to the disappearance of the symptoms and speedy recovery. The treatment also leads to the stimulation of body’s immune system resulting in the proper drainage of the lymphatic fluid, production of the growth hormone, and the enhancement of the natural healing process.

The treatment does not hurt a person. It is a relaxing therapy, and most people who have undergone this treatment do even fall asleep during the sessions. However, a patient may start experiencing little pain on the affected area 6-24 hours after the therapy. The pain commonly occurs to those who are having nerve related problems or when the health problem is chronic, but the pain subsides after a short time.

Some of the diseases that can be treated using the therapy include back pain, arthritis, hip pain, headaches, knee pain, low back pain, myofascial pain, orodacial pain, peripheral neuropathy, plantar Fasciitis, sports injuries, tendonitis, upper back pain, and wrist pain.

Most doctors combine laser therapy with other treatments like naprapathy, soft tissue mobilization, nutrition, and electrotherapy. To know if you an appropriate candidate for this therapy, kindly visit your doctor who will be able to carry out neurological and orthopedic assessments.

Find Out the Uses of Fruit Peels

Fruit and vegetable skins make up the highest percentage of wastes that are found on the kitchen garbage bins. As of now, not many people are knowledgeable on how to reuse and recycle the peels. Below are few tips on how to use vegetable and fruit peels:

1. Source of phytochemicals

Some edible skins like apple skin are useful in fighting cancer and other diseases. Most of the beneficial compounds in a fruit or vegetables are present on the skin.

2. Cleaning purposes

A variety of peels are used for skin cleansing and scrubbing. Papaya, lemon, apple, banana, and pomegranate peels can be used for body scrubs and facial masks. These provide a glowing effect on the skin of an individual. Avocado skin when it is rubbed on the face of a person can act as a rich moisturizer.

3. Odor-free house

Peels are used to get rid of bad odor in the house without using the chemicals. Skins from Citrus fruits are efficient in getting rid of the smell. This is because they contain antimicrobial properties that inhibit the growth of the microorganisms that are responsible for bad smell.

4. Prevention of sugar lumping

When an orange peel is placed in a container with white or brown sugar, it can prevent the sugar from lumping.

5. Insect repellents

Orange peels are used as insect repellent when they are rubbed on the skin. Cucumbers also contain alkaloids that are useful in driving away insects.

6. Sparkle in silverware

Using potato and Calamansi peels while washing assists in bringing the sparkle or silverware and cutlery.

7. Water filtration

Apples and tomatoes are important in the filtering of water. Because the peels are highly absorbent, they can suck up the toxins that are present in tap water.

8. Dye preparation

The skin of the pomegranate fruit is highly effective in making dyes that are used for coloring fabric.

Discover Coconut Oil as an Effective Killer of Cancerous Cells

According to a health investigation performed recently, coconut oil was found to contain numerous anticancer properties. The research also discovered that coconut oil is capable of killing various types of fungi, parasites, viruses and bacteria.


The study found out that coconut oil was useful in getting rid of inflammation, maintaining healthier skin, promoting liver metabolism, and facilitating faster healing of wounds.


Coconut oil is also said to be helpful in increasing the levels of vital cholesterol, and it also plays an important role to individuals who are keen on weight loss. Persons who have been having recurring heart diseases, blood pressure, or Alzheimer’s disease have found much relieve from using the oil.


Colonoscopy tests


Many investigations that have been done in recent times have proved that coconut oil plays a central role in the curative process of colon cancer. Colon cancer results when there is an uncontrolled multiplication of cells of the rectum.


Colon cancer is very widespread in many countries, and it has also been known to be one of the most complicated ailments to treat. This is because many people are not conscious of its symptoms while the rest do not adhere to regular colonoscopy tests done to diagnose the cancerous or the pre-cancerous lesions.


The consequence is that many people realize that they are suffering from colon cancer when it is at its advanced stage, therefore, leaving the doctors with very few options during the treatment process.


Symptoms of colon cancer


Symptoms of colon cancer may include weight loss, blood in stool and change in bowel movement. Coconut oil comprises of more than 50 percent of lauric acid, which is known to poison the cancer cells by producing oxidative stress.


This leads to a limited production of glutathione, which eventually leads to the death of the cancerous cells. The cells die because they require high levels of glutathione to protect themselves from the oxidative stress.


Lauric acid is not present in most foods that we consume, and the acid is efficient in killing more than 93 percent of the cancerous cells in less than two days.


Immune system booster


Coconut oil aids in the fight against cancer by boosting the body’s defense mechanism.


If the body’s immune system is well developed, it will assist in combating diseases and mutations that often result in cancer.

How Endometriosis Affect Women

Endometriosis is a condition whereby a tissue that is similar to the uterus lining that is only supposed to be located in the uterus is found in other places of the body. The Endometriosis lesions can be found in various locations of the body such as on the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterosacral ligaments, cul-de-sac, the Pouch of Douglas, and the rectal–vaginal septum.


Other parts where it can be found includes the caesarean–section scars, laparotomy/laparoscopy scars, the bladder, bowel, rectum, colon, appendix, or on the intestines.


The most general symptom of the condition is chronic pelvic pain, which mostly correlates to the menstrual cycle.


Sometimes the affected person may also experience pelvic pain that is not related to her periods. The pain sometimes can be so severe that it impacts on the daily activities of the woman. Additional symptoms may include painful sex and pain when passing urine.


Although many theories have been put forward to explain the causes of the Endometriosis, none of them has been proven. Therefore, the causes of the condition remain unknown.


Endometriosis can only be diagnosed by laparoscopy and taking of the biopsy of the tissues suspected of the condition. No other test can be used in the diagnosis of endometriosis.


Laparoscopy is an invasive procedure that is mostly expensive to perform, and it also requires to be performed by an experienced surgeon.


To slow the disease from progressing and also improve symptom manifestation, a person can make use of the following tips:

  • Low – dose oral contraceptives
  • Painkillers
  • IUD that is hormonal
  • GnRH Therapy


It is vital for people to remember that developing endometriosis does not mean that the person is infertile. It only means that the individual will have few problems getting pregnant.


Many females have reported having children without any difficulty while others with delayed pregnancy eventually get pregnant. To get pregnant, sometimes it may require the doctor to perform surgery or assisted reproductive technologies.