Discover Foods That Promote Senior Brain Health

Because therapy for dementia remains elusive, most doctors still encourage the elderly to take meaningful steps geared towards preventing and avoiding the risk of dementia onset. Here are a few tips that our elderly loved ones and their families need to know before starting the road to prevention:

  1. Omega-3 fatty acids

The nutrient is mostly found in fish oil and is necessary for brain function. It plays a significant part in the cellular transmission. Research has shown that the seniors who eat fish lessen the chances of dementia or Alzheimer’s disease by 40 percent. Good sources of omega –3 fatty acids include mackerel, sardines, salmon, and albacore tuna.

  1. Vitamin C

Vitamin C is vital in safeguarding of vascular health. It has also been established that vitamin C protects against the formation of brain plaque that is related to dementia. Rich sources of vitamin C consists of citrus fruits, tomatoes, leafy greens, strawberries, cantaloupe, and broccoli.

  1. Vitamin B-Complex

Green peas and beans are good sources of vitamin B- complex nutrients. The vitamins protect seniors against brain shrinkage and also help a person maintain a healthy blood sugar level. The rise in sugar level causes brain inflammation that has been identified by scientists as the leading cause of dementia.

  1. Vitamin D

Lack of Vitamin D in the diet has been shown as a possible signal of the development of dementia symptoms. It is suggested that a loved senior one consults with the doctor about incorporating supplements into his diet on a daily basis or shopping for Vitamin D-fortified foods like cereals and dairy products. A person should remember that proper diet for the seniors also involves avoiding dairy products that are full of fat, packaged foods, red meat, and fried foods.