The Truth About Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a method of Chinese alternative medicine, which has been in use for many centuries. This treatment technique is used to bring stability in a life force that is often referred to as Chi. The providers of this treatment believe as the truth that sickness happens when there is an imbalance or blockage on a person’s Chi. Therefore, acupuncture is used to bring the required balance in the body.

 Life-force flows through pathways, also known as meridians, in a person’s body. When needles are inserted at precise points along the pathways, the energy flow in the body returns to its normal state. At times heat, gentle electrical current, or pressure are used alongside needles during therapy. Currently, acupuncture treatment is recommended for the management of persistent lower back pain, migraines, headaches, neck and dental pain, asthma, carpal tunnel syndrome, menstrual cramps, and nausea that result from chemotherapy.

When a patient visits an acupuncturist, he is given an exam and asked several questions about his general health. The provider then conducts an assessment of points on the client’s body to examine chi that is not flowing correctly. Each point is known to relate to a particular health defect or an individual body function. To find the right points for placing the needles, the therapist will use as landmark several body tissues and organs. The provider then taps thin needles into the patient’s skin where points are located. Needles are placed at particular points depending on what the acupuncturist believes is required to re-establish the flow of chi. A full therapy may take around 30 minutes, but the duration mostly depends on the provider’s judgment. A patient may be required to visit the acupuncturist a number of times to complete the treatment.

During the therapy, a patient may experience a slight pressure when the needle is being inserted. Although acupuncture does not hurt, the area may suffer numbness or an aching sensation. Once inserted, the needles are supposed to stay in the body of a patient for duration of about twenty minutes before they are removed. The stimulation that is experienced during acupuncture is responsible for increasing the natural painkillers and boosting the blood circulation in the body.

Only experts are supposed to carry out acupuncture. Skilled acupuncturists are either regulated healthcare professionals or members of a renowned acupuncture society. They are usually accredited in many countries as a confirmation that they have achieved a certain level of training, and that they are well equipped to follow a set of professional guidelines.

How to Keep Your Baby’s Skin Soft and Smooth

Babies have skin that is thin and susceptible to infections. Therefore, caring for a fragile and beautiful skin requires a lot of care. Here are eight valuable tips that parents can use when caring for their baby’s skin:

  1. Avoid daily baths

Although it is acceptable for grown-ups to bath on a daily basis, it is not reasonable to give your baby a daily bath. This is because frequent bathing removes essential oils and other useful substances that protect the skin against irritants and infections. However, it is recommended to clean the diaper area as regularly as it might be required using a soft sponge.

  1. Bathing products

Adult shampoos and soaps should not be used to bathe a baby. Before an infant has attained the age of one year, it is important to use shampoos and soaps that have been formulated for the infants. These particular products are not toxic as they contain small amounts of alcohols, deodorants, and dyes. Before purchasing baby items, perform a thorough research and choose the ones with the least amount of peculiar chemicals. Tear-free formulas are known to be safe on baby’s eyes. A real baby’s soap should not produce a lot of foam.

  1. Lotions

An infant’s skin is susceptible to dryness. Therefore, it is vital to keep the skin moisturized. After removing a baby from the bathing tub, you should dry and apply the moisturizer straight away. Babies should also be moisturized between baths. This is done to stop the moisture on the skin from evaporating. A parent should invest in buying humidifiers to ensure the air that is circulating in a baby’s room is not dry.

  1. Limit sun exposure

Babies that are below six months old should not be exposed to the sun for a long duration because it will affect their skin. Sunscreens are not recommended for babies. The main reason is that sunscreens for babies are still being developed, and the ones intended for grown-ups can be dangerous for the children.

  1. Clean the folds

A person should always ensure that the baby’s skin is not damp. Make sure that moisture does not get stuck in the folds, which are areas that are made up of thin, irritable skin. The folds are also prone to rashes. Always remember to remove dirt on the baby’s folds several times every day to avert redness, chaffing, and peeling. When the folds retain moisture, they usually result in severe skin problems.

  1. Rashes

It is normal for a baby to have rashes, so they should not surprise you. Most rashes appear and disappear after a short time. It is always significant to consult a specialist about skin rashes, although they are not dangerous to the infant in most cases. A parent should be on the lookout for skin infections and diseases. Symptoms of diseases include boils, pustules, and raw areas on diaper rashes that are reddish in color.

  1. Baby powder

Although baby powder is an attractive product for babies, it is not always the best product for your baby’s skin. Avoid baby powders that contain talc. Powders that have been manufactured using cornstarch are the best. Powders should only be used on the genital areas, around the neck region, and under the baby’s arms.

  1. Clothing and bedding materials

Clothing and bedding materials for your baby should be selected carefully. Some materials are harsh on a baby’s sensitive skin. Clothing and bedding materials that are made of cotton are smooth on the baby’s body. You should never use harsh detergents when washing baby clothing because it can irritate their skin.

Appropriate Physical Exercises for the Elderly

Physical exercises are important for the elderly as they help them in maintaining their independence, managing symptoms of illnesses, and in boosting their energy. Physical exercises undo most of the symptoms that go together with the aging process. Exercises also help the elderly in maintaining and in losing weight, enhancing their mobility, and reducing the impact of chronic diseases. Before an elderly person can engage in any physical working out, it is important to first get a clearance from a qualified health professional. The physician will be able to assess his health and advise if there are types of exercises that he is supposed to avoid due to his existing condition.

1. Cardio endurance exercises

Cardio endurance exercises involve the use of large group of muscles in rhythmic motion for a specific duration of time. The heart usually pumps fast during the workout. The training reduces fatigue and promotes endurance for daily activities such as house cleaning and walking. Cardio exercises comprises of stair climbing, cycling, hiking, rowing, walking, dancing, or playing tennis.

2. Strength and power training

Strength training involves the application of rhythmic motion using weights or any other external resistance. It builds muscles, improves balance, and also prevents the loss of bone mass. Strength and power training is resourceful to the elderly as it helps them steer clear of falls, and it improves their speed when crossing the streets or lifting objects.

3. Flexibility

Flexibility exercises involve the use of stationary stretches that maintain the joints and muscles agile thus preventing injury. Yoga is commonly used by many elderly people to boost their flexibility.

4. Balance

Yoga, Tai Chi, and posture exercises are suitable for the elderly as they boost their confidence in balance thus avoiding falls.